
Texas Junior Schedule

Attention: Overflow seating for the general sessions will be in Mesilla 1-2. This room will be set for 500 attendees in order to accommodate the growing numbers at the Texas Junior and Senior conventions. Thank you for your patience and assistance as we navigate the outstanding growth in your state.

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Time Event Room
408 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM Thursday, February 27, 2025
409 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Registration Tate Prefunction
410 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 9:00 AMĀ  Performing Arts Preliminaries - Solo, Duo, Trio followed by Performing Arts Preliminaries - Group (Elementary followed by Junior) Tate Ballroom
411 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Coordinator Meeting Davis 3
412 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Living Literature - Set-up (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM); Judging (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM); Viewing (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM) Tate 1-5
413 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Onsite Cake Decorating - Elementary Texoma 1
414 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Onsite Cake Decorating - Junior Texoma 2
415 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Check-In: Visual Arts (Elementary) High Plains 1-3
416 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Speech - Elementary followed by Junior Davis 1
417 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM State Officer Meeting Davis 3
418 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Musicology Meeting - Elementary - MANDATORY for team members and coach. San Saba 1
419 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Musicology Meeting - Junior - MANDATORY for team members and coach. San Saba 3
420 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Check-In: Visual Arts (Junior) High Plains 1-3
421 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Check-in: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design and Two Dimensional Design (Elementary and Junior) Escondido 1-3
422 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Musicology - Elementary San Saba 1 and 2
423 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Musicology - Junior San Saba 3 and 4
424 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Candidate Meeting Davis 3
425 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Viewing: Visual Arts (Elementary and Junior) Judging to follow. High Plains 1-3
426 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Viewing: Onsite Cake Decorating - Elementary and Junior Pick-up: 12:30 PM Texoma 1 and 2
427 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM Viewing for Elementary and Junior: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design and Two Dimensional Design (Judging at 3:30 PM) Escondido 1-3
428 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 1:30 PMĀ  FIRST GENERAL SESSION: Performing Arts Finals - Solo, Duo, Trio (Top 3); Awards Presentation - Academics, Digital Portfolio and Technology Tate Ballroom (Overflow: Mesilla 1-2)
429 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM Songfest Preliminaries (Elementary followed by Junior) Tate Ballroom
430 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Quiz Bowl Meeting - Elementary - Mandatory for team members and coach. San Saba 1
431 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Quiz Bowl Meeting - Junior - Mandatory for team members and coach. San Saba 3
432 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM New Sponsor Meeting Davis 3
433 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Onsite Art - Drawing and Painting - Elementary Texoma 1
434 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Onsite Art - Drawing and Painting - Junior Texoma 2
435 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Engineering Tate 1-5
436 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Marketing and Communications Texoma 3
437 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM Quiz Bowl Finals - Oral Rounds - Elementary San Saba 1 and 2
438 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM Quiz Bowl Finals - Oral Rounds - Junior San Saba 3 and 4
439 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Statewide Service Project Davis 3
440 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Robotics Showcase Tate 1-5
441 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM Viewing: Onsite Art - Drawing and Painting - Elementary and Junior. Pick-up: 6:30 PM Texoma 1 and 2
442 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Pick-up for Elementary and Junior: Visual Arts, Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design and Two Dimensional Design High Plains 1-3 and Escondido 1-3
443 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 7:30 PM SECOND GENERAL SESSION: Campaign Rally; Songfest Finals (Top 5); Awards Presentation - Individual, Onsite Art, Onsite Cake and Speech; Voting - 1 Hour Tate Ballroom (Overflow: Mesilla 1-2)
444 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM - CURFEW AT 11:00 PM -
445 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM Friday, February 28, 2025
446 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 8:00 AM Sponsor Breakfast and Meeting Texoma 3
447 lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM lgregg 02/04/2025 01:07 PM 9:30 AM THIRD GENERAL SESSION: Guest Speaker - Dr. Clayton King; Installation of New State Officers, State Sponsor and State Sponsor Elect; Performing Arts Finals - Group (Top 3); Awards Presentation - Club/Team Tate Ballroom (Overflow: Mesilla 1-2)
449 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Statewide Service Project Davis 3