
National Senior Schedule

Due to the availability of space and number of participants, the schedule is subject to change. The final schedule will be published online and on our Mobile App closer to the convention dates. You can download our Mobile App to view a detailed schedule and session information by clicking here.

When registering students for competitions, be mindful that some competition times overlap.

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Time Event
739 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM Sunday, June 22, 2025
740 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Early Registration: Pick-up Lead Outside the Box Leadership Challenge Prompt
741 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Premier Performers Practice - Dancers
742 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Premier Performers Practice - Vocalist
743 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Onsite Art Competitions Division I - Drawing
744 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Onsite Art Competitions Division I - Painting
745 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Onsite Art Competitions Division II - Drawing
746 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Onsite Art Competitions Division II - Painting
747 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM Monday, June 23, 2025
748 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 8:00 AM Performing Arts Preliminaries - Solo, Duo, Trio
749 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Coordinator Breakfast/Meeting
750 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration: Pick-up Lead Outside the Box Leadership Challenge Prompt
751 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Check-in: Visual Arts- DI and DII
752 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Project Proposal - Leadership Challenge - Group 1
753 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Reimagine, Recreate, Recycle - National Exhibition - Group 1
754 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Beta Serves Orlando Donation Drop-Off
755 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 10:00 AM Mandatory Musicology Meeting - Sponsor/Supervisor & Team Captain
756 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM National Officer /National Leadership Ambassador Meeting
757 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Onsite Cake Decorating - Division I
758 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Onsite Cake Decorating - Division II
759 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 10:30 AM Musicology
760 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Viewing: Visual Arts DI and DII (Judging at 11:30 AM)
761 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM Candidate Meeting
762 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM Project Proposal - Leadership Challenge - Group 2
763 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM Reimagine, Recreate, Recycle - National Exhibition - Group 2
764 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Beta Serves Orlando Donation Drop-Off
765 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Living Literature: Set-up: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM; Judging: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM; Viewing: 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
766 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Meeting of the Minds - National Exhibition - Group 1
767 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Designated Club Trading Pin Time with National Sponsors
768 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM Mandatory Pick-up: Visual Arts Divisions I & II
769 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Meeting of the Minds - Group 2
770 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Opening Ceremony Practice - Premier Performers - Dancers & Vocalists
771 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 6:30 - 7:00 PM Pre-Session Activities - Award 6 - 10 Places: Academics, Book Battle, Creative Writing, Digital Portfolio, Poetry, and Technology
772 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 7:00 PM FIRST GENERAL SESSION: Opening Ceremony - National Convention State Processional and Premier Performers, Scholarship Presentations, Secretarial Campaign Rally (Voting opens for one hour immediately after campaign rally),
773 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. Vice Presidential and Presidential Candidate Introductions, Radiate Award, Outstanding Leadership Award, Sponsor of the Year Award, Performing Arts - Solo, Duo, Trio Finals - Top 3, Award 1 - 5 Places: Academics,
774 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. Book Battle, Creative Writing, Digital Portfolio, Poetry, and Technology
775 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM Tuesday, June 24, 2025
776 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Registration: Pick-up Lead Outside the Box Leadership Challenge Prompt
777 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Pre-Session Activities - Designated Trading Pin Time for Clubs (8:30 AM - 9:00 AM), Award 6 - 10 Places: Living Literature, Meeting of the Minds, Musicology, Onsite Cake Decorating- DI & DII, Onsite Art - Drawing - Division I & II, Onsite Art - Painting -
778 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:30 AM SECOND GENERAL SESSION: Vice Presidential Campaign Rally (Voting opens for one hour immediately after campaign rally), Award 1 - 5 Places: Living Literature, Meeting of the Minds, Musicology, Onsite Cake Decorating- DI & DII, Onsite Art - Drawing - Divisi
779 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. Onsite Art - Painting - Division I & II, Performing Arts - Solo, Duo, Trio, and Visual Arts- DI & DII
780 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM Show Choir Preliminaries
781 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Quiz Bowl Mandatory Meeting - Sponsors/Supervisor & Team Captain
782 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Check-in: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design, and Two Dimensional Design
783 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Convention Invention - National Exhibition- Group 1
784 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Lead Outside the Box - Group 1
785 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 2:15 PM Engineering- Group 1
786 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM Beta Serves Orlando Donation Drop-Off
787 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM Quiz Bowl Finals
788 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM Speech - Division I - Group 1
789 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Designated Club Trading Pin Time with National Sponsors
790 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Viewing: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design, and Two Dimensional Design (Judging at 2:00 PM)
791 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Leadership Representative Interviews
792 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Leadership Representative Challenges
793 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Convention Invention - National Exhibition- Group 2
794 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Lead Outside the Box - Group 2
795 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:30 PM Speech - Division I - Group 2
796 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:30 PM - 5:15 PM Engineering - Group 2
797 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2025
798 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Pre-Session Activities - Award 6 - 10 Places: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Convention Invention, Engineering, Lead Outside the Box, Project Proposal, Quiz Bowl,
799 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. Reimagine, Recreate, Recycle, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Speech DI, Three Dimensional Design, and Two Dimensional Design
800 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM THIRD GENERAL SESSION: Presidential Campaign Rally (Voting opens for one hour immediately after campaign rally), Show Choir Finals (Top 5), Award 1 - 5 Places: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Convention Invention, Engineering,
801 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. Lead Outside the Box, Project Proposal, Quiz Bowl, Reimagine, Recreate, Recycle, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Speech DI, Three Dimensional Design, and Two Dimensional Design
802 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM Performing Arts Preliminaries - Group ( Small followed by Large)
803 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Mandatory Pick-up: Accessorized Design, Apparel Design, Club Trading Pin, Scrapbook, Service Learning Showcase, Three Dimensional Design, and Two Dimensional Design
804 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Speech - Dvision II - Group 1
805 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Robotics Showcase - Group 1
806 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Marketing & Communications - Group 1
807 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Create and Animate - National Exhibition - Group 1
808 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Collaboration Connection - Leadership Challenge - Group 1
809 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM Beta Serves Orlando Donation Drop-Off
810 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM State Officer and Leadership Representative Luncheon (Doors open at 11:45 AM)
811 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Speech - Division II - Group 2
812 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Designated Club Trading Pin Time with National Sponsors
813 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM Marketing & Communications - Group 2
814 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Robotics Showcase - Group 2
815 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM Create and Animate - National Exhibition - Group 2
816 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM Collaboration Connection - Leadership Challenge - Group 2
817 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM Thursday, June 26, 2025
818 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:00 AM Pre-Session Activities - Award 6 - 10 Places: Create and Animate, Collaboration Connection, Marketing and Communications, Performing Arts - Group, Robotics Showcase, Show Choir, and Speech DII
819 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM 9:30 AM FOURTH GENERAL SESSION: Q & A Rally for Top 3 National Officer Candidates (Voting opens for one hour immediately after Q & A), Invitation to 2026 National Convention in Nashville, TN, Guest Speaker, Performing Arts Finals - Group (Top 3),
820 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. National Leadership Ambassador Farewells, National Officer Farewells,Installation of National Officers and National Leadership Ambassadors, Award 1 - 5 Places: Presidential, Vice Presidential, and Secretarial Campaign Skits (Top 2),
821 lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM lgregg 03/10/2025 01:06 PM cont. Create and Animate, Collaboration Connection, Marketing and Communications, Performing Arts - Group, Robotics Showcase, Show Choir, and Speech DII