John W. Reiley Elementary Receives First National Elementary Service Award

John. W. Reiley

We’re excited to announce the National Beta club at John W. Reiley Elementary School of Kentucky, as a recipient of the 2024 Hall of Fame Service Award. This prestigious accolade, designed to celebrate National Beta clubs that go above and beyond to benefit their school, community, and state, recognizes the exceptional impact of the school’s service project completed during the 2023-2024 academic year. John W. Reily is one of only three clubs to receive the award this year and is the first in our new Elementary division to be named. 

Under the leadership of the Club’s Beta President, Jace Hervey, members embarked on a transformative journey to address the immediate needs of students and families within their community. Inspired by a heartfelt desire to combat hunger and support their neighbors, Jace collaborated with Beta Club Sponsor Laura Hervey, and school employee Mrs. McBride to establish a pantry and clothing closet within a local neighborhood. This endeavor aimed to provide accessible food and clothing resources to families facing transportation barriers and limited access to traditional donation sites. 

Beta members rallied behind Jace’s vision, organizing collection efforts for non-perishable food items, household essentials, toiletries, and sanitary products. Through strategic outreach via flyers, social media, and school news coverage, they engaged fellow students and the wider community in contributing to the cause. Their dedication and initiative were evident as they independently managed the collection, organization, and stocking of donated items. 

Notably, the project did not end with the initial stocking of shelves. Beta members, led by Historian Paisley Brinkman, meticulously documented each step and have planned ongoing initiatives to sustain the pantry. From fundraising efforts like penny wars to fostering partnerships with local organizations and churches, the Beta club demonstrates a commitment to long-term community support. 

“This project stands out because it came from the heart of the Beta President,” remarked Beta Sponsor, Laura Hervey. “Jace saw a need for our students and families and found a way to meet that need. He gathered support from his fellow Beta members and garnered excitement in them for meeting the needs of fellow students and community members.” 

National Beta is proud to acknowledge this impactful initiative, which exemplifies the spirit of compassion and community service. As the club continues to expand their efforts and address evolving community needs, their impact will undoubtedly be felt for years to come.